These are the stories behind the music, told by Michelle. They were originally on Michellebranch.net The Story Behind "Broken Bracelet": "In July of 1998 I went to Phoenix, Arizona to see Lisa Loeb in concert. I got to talking with one of her opening acts, Steve Poltz. He was the guy who co-wrote "You Were Meant For Me" with singer/songwriter/guitarist Jewel. After talking for a while, he said, "Hold on. Let me get something." He came back with a really beautiful bracelet and he insisted on giving it to me. He said that Jewel had made it. I felt awkward and didn't really feel right taking it. But he insisted and told me "Don't take this bracelet off! When it breaks you're gonna be famous!" I kind of laughed at the thought. And started to watch the concert. Six months later, I ran into a man named Jeff Rabhan. I gave him a demo tape and talked with him for awhile. When I got home after meeting Jeff the bracelet broke off! I didn't know what too think. But it IS peculiar that Jeff is now my manager, and if you're reading this, I must be kind of famous." If Only she Knew "This song is basically a whole situation I made up in my head. This guy and this girl are best friends, but the girl is convinced that it is more than friendship. She can tell that he is very unhappy with his current girlfriend. So in the song she is telling him how she feels, that she can tell he isn't happy with his girlfriend, and she wishes that the girlfriend knew about it - 'if only she knew.'" Everywhere "We started a new song of mine called Everywhere. It sounds amazing! Its so fun to see how a song evolves from just being an idea in your head, to a simple acoustic guitar song, then finally to a rock song on an album."